Monday, 27 May 2013

Losing Weight Without Exercise - 3 Natural Tips To Burn Fat Without Going To The Gym

  If you have been trying to lose weight, and reading on the literature regarding weight loss on various forums, then you must have by now come to the realization that going by all this weight loss literature, the only way through which you can get to lose weight is by the use diet change, exercise and use of supplements. You could also have found yourself asking whether it is possible to lose weight using any of this method alone, as in, whether it is possible to lose weight with the help of diet modification, exercise or the use of supplements alone, without seeking the help of the other two.

 1. Organic And Free Range Food Will Keep You Lean
  Animal foods contain important fat burning qualities and are recommended for a healthy and balanced diet. Though, when buying animal foods such as fish, meat, eggs and diary, get them free range and organic.


Unfortunately, farm animals are fed with chemically altered food derived from soy and corn to grow them quicker and fatter. This adjustment to their nutrition ruins their digestion, making them sick and requiring antibiotics. Consequently, the meat and eggs and diary they produce begins losing their alimentary value and becoming a threat for us.

Just as the farm animals we can also get fat and sick by eating processed corn and soy products, these are awfully unhealthy for us too. If you consume animal products, make an effort to eat them fresh, organic and free range. This way you will get all the fat burning properties they naturally have.

2. Mind Your Processed Food And Lose Weight Fast

When we purchase our food from the superstore, we don´t usually realize all the processed ingredients it includes. Just some examples of processed food are: Sauces, dips, cookies, canned and ready made food.
In point of fact, our digestive system simply cannot process this type of ´food´. Top nutritionist Isabel de los Rios agrees on her book that most processed ingredients can´t be digested. Maybe someday our organs will be able to tolerate them, but, today our liver just can´t cope with the load and sends the undigestible ingredients to be stored as fat.

As a matter of fact, fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and grains are natural foods options that help you lose weight fast. Try to stick to one ingredient food choices.

3. Stop Skipping Meals To Lose Weight

Skipping meals is a harmful habit. And your weight loss will only be temporary as you will return to your original weight in no time. This as you are tensioning your body to a point where it produces fat storing hormones. Additionally, passing on breakfast or substituting it with a coffee or a smoke, only delays hunger.

In fact, you should be eating 4 times on a daily basis. Four meals a day might be a lot of work for you, but you can try to make  light and healthy lunch. Some healthy choices are a bunch of nuts, a whole grain bread with tomatoes, or veggies with hummus. Having 4 substantial meals a day avoids the chance of falling for junk food as you will always feel pleased

It is important that you don´t feel forced to do anything you do not like. It is true that exercise will keep you in great shape but it is a myth that you have to exercise to be slim. Specially, you should never let your lack of passion for exercise come in the way your efforts to lose weight

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