Monday, 27 May 2013

7 Tips To Lose Weight Without Exercise

  You’re ready to start your weight loss. You’re tired of your clothes not fitting. You’re tired of getting winded when you go up a short of stairs. There are so many “lose weight diet plans,” supplements, exercise programs, and other diet aids that it can be very confusing on what will work and what is a scam. Here are seven tips to lose weight without exercise that will help jumpstart your weight loss and keeps it moving forward. 
1. Diets Don’t Work: Recent studies by UCLA show that dieting is not an effective means of losing weight. Between one third and two thirds of all people that diet regain more weight than what they lost. This yo-yo dieting can be very unhealthy, as it has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, or immune system dysfunction.

2. Fad Diets Don’t Work: Counting calories, fat grams, and carbohydrates is not an effective way to lose weight either. You need a balanced nutritional program, no one that targets only one food group or part of a food group.

3. You Won’t Lose Weight with Just a Pill: It seems like everyone today has a pill that is touted as the latest weight loss miracle drug. Simply take a pill a couple times a day and the weight will fall off. This is not the way to lose weight and it won’t work.

4. Do Not Expect Immediate Results: You can’t lose twenty pounds in a week’s time. The healthiest way to lose weight is to lose one to three pounds a week.

5. Hypnosis Works: Of all the weight loss programs out there today, hypnosis has one of the highest success rates. It’s not the Las Vegas hypnosis show style, either. One of the most successful forms of weight loss hypnosis is usually accomplished through a DVD or CD program. You can use these programs 

at your leisure, which makes them even more effective.

6. Don’t eat after Six: You don’t want to eat at least three hours before you go to sleep. All that food is not converted to energy will be stored as fat.

7. Eat Several Small Meals a Day: The key to weight loss is not food deprivation. It’s eating several small meals a day in order to keep your metabolism high, which means you burn more fat stores in your body.

These are not the only tips that will help you lose weight. However, you have to realize that it’s taken a lifetime for your mind to program you to gain weight. The only way to lose weight and successfully keep it off is to retrain your mind and body.

You need to understand why you are living the way you are and why you keep eating. You may find that there are several things that can trigger your weight gain. This is one reason why hypnosis works so well to lose weight. You can finally target the root of the problem and not just the symptoms. This is what you need to learn to know.

Is it Impossible to Lose Weight Without Exercise

  Lose weight without exercise, is it possible? Which is better? Diet or exercise? Can you really get lean - and more importantly, stay lean - without exercise? Find out in this installment of BIG FAT LIES. Yes, you CAN lose weight by cutting calories it is 100% possible. But as we stated in other articles, if you did not read you should educate yourself about the dangers of starvation .

The starvation diet will actually slow down your metabolic rate and make weight loss even more difficult and weight gain much easier. That is a danger when using very low calorie diets .You almost always re-gain weight that's lost with highly restrictive diets. You should be using a slightly restricted diet on different intervals; we recommend you eat 6 times per day. Some people use calorie restriction out of necessity. For example people who are physically limited. Just a few are wheelchair-bound individuals who lost weight with calorie restriction alone.
People who are very obese or have orthopedic problems also need to start with dieting correctly otherwise it will be (making exercise difficult at first). They really only have a few options to start out with .However, for able-bodied people, dieting should be used sensibly in the correct way with good products and drinking plenty of water. You should also if at all possible attempt to also get some sort of exercise. Just a walk down the block is a good start. This will help stimulate your blood flow and metabolism.

Can You Lose Weight Without Exercise?

   Everyone keeps telling you that you can't lose weight without exercise. All those exercise videos and equipment being sold everywhere point out the fact that it's just not possible to lose weight without exercise. However, it actually IS possible to do so. You simply need to know more about what you eat, how much you should eat, and how you should eat.
To lose weight without exercise is just a matter of motivation and a change in lifestyle. First, you have to be sure that you really are motivated enough to stick to your plan. Then, you choose how you want to change your lifestyle. Some people go cold turkey while some do it gradually. It's all up to you.
Now, what does changing your lifestyle mean? This means that in order to lose weight without exercise, you'll need to change your diet. How do you change your diet? You'll need to first figure out your calorie maintenance level. This is the amount of calories that your body needs to burn every day.  There are a lot of calorie maintenance level calculators on the internet that you can use to find out what yours is. Once you know that, it's all a matter of simple mathematics. 1 pound is equal to 3500 calories. If you want to lose a pound a week, you just simply need to lessen your caloric intake by 500 calories a day.
Then, you'll need to list down all the foods you can and cannot eat. Don't eat "white" carbohydrates like rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, and cereal. Replace them with whole grain carbohydrates like brown rice, whole grain bread, and whole wheat pasta. Along with these, you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. These foods have a lot of fiber which makes you feel full faster and longer. Eating fat burning foods will also help you lose weight without exercise. Some fat burning foods are peppers, citrus fruits, garlic, apples, beans, lean meat (pork and beef), and tuna.
Changing what you eat also means changing what you drink. Drinking lots of water before and during a meal will also make you feel full most of the time. Green tea is also helpful in making you lose weight without exercise by increasing your metabolism.
While eating the right kinds of food will help you lose weight without exercise, you need to supplement it with changing the portions of your meal. Instead of eating 3 meals a day, spread it out between 5-6 small meals. This will help stave off any hunger pangs in between meals and not have any excess calories that will be stored as fat. You can change how you eat as well. Try eating more slowly and putting down your utensils after each bite. Your brain needs time to tell your stomach that you are full and need to stop eating.
Losing weight without exercise is easy. Now that you know how to lose weight without exercise, it's all a matter of putting thought into action.

Losing Weight Without Exercise - 3 Natural Tips To Burn Fat Without Going To The Gym

  If you have been trying to lose weight, and reading on the literature regarding weight loss on various forums, then you must have by now come to the realization that going by all this weight loss literature, the only way through which you can get to lose weight is by the use diet change, exercise and use of supplements. You could also have found yourself asking whether it is possible to lose weight using any of this method alone, as in, whether it is possible to lose weight with the help of diet modification, exercise or the use of supplements alone, without seeking the help of the other two.

 1. Organic And Free Range Food Will Keep You Lean
  Animal foods contain important fat burning qualities and are recommended for a healthy and balanced diet. Though, when buying animal foods such as fish, meat, eggs and diary, get them free range and organic.


Unfortunately, farm animals are fed with chemically altered food derived from soy and corn to grow them quicker and fatter. This adjustment to their nutrition ruins their digestion, making them sick and requiring antibiotics. Consequently, the meat and eggs and diary they produce begins losing their alimentary value and becoming a threat for us.

Just as the farm animals we can also get fat and sick by eating processed corn and soy products, these are awfully unhealthy for us too. If you consume animal products, make an effort to eat them fresh, organic and free range. This way you will get all the fat burning properties they naturally have.

2. Mind Your Processed Food And Lose Weight Fast

When we purchase our food from the superstore, we don´t usually realize all the processed ingredients it includes. Just some examples of processed food are: Sauces, dips, cookies, canned and ready made food.
In point of fact, our digestive system simply cannot process this type of ´food´. Top nutritionist Isabel de los Rios agrees on her book that most processed ingredients can´t be digested. Maybe someday our organs will be able to tolerate them, but, today our liver just can´t cope with the load and sends the undigestible ingredients to be stored as fat.

As a matter of fact, fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and grains are natural foods options that help you lose weight fast. Try to stick to one ingredient food choices.

3. Stop Skipping Meals To Lose Weight

Skipping meals is a harmful habit. And your weight loss will only be temporary as you will return to your original weight in no time. This as you are tensioning your body to a point where it produces fat storing hormones. Additionally, passing on breakfast or substituting it with a coffee or a smoke, only delays hunger.

In fact, you should be eating 4 times on a daily basis. Four meals a day might be a lot of work for you, but you can try to make  light and healthy lunch. Some healthy choices are a bunch of nuts, a whole grain bread with tomatoes, or veggies with hummus. Having 4 substantial meals a day avoids the chance of falling for junk food as you will always feel pleased

It is important that you don´t feel forced to do anything you do not like. It is true that exercise will keep you in great shape but it is a myth that you have to exercise to be slim. Specially, you should never let your lack of passion for exercise come in the way your efforts to lose weight

3 Ways To Lose Weight Without Exercise

   People usually fail to see the role regular exercise will play in our body. You should definitively exercise every now and then, but you do not have to become involved in any workout plan if you plan to shed off some extra weight. Thousands of people right now are choosing alternative ways to lose weight without exercise.
 Here are two things you should know about exercise:
Why physical activity is still beneficial
Although you certainly can lose weight without exercise, physical activity is still one of the most important things you can do for your own health. Absence of continual physical activity in your life will make your muscles to become flaccid and feeble, your joints to turn stiff and to get damaged easily, and your heart and lungs to stop working efficiently. To add, exercising could help reduce your stress, boost your mood, and improve your sleep.
You don't require a workout plan - you can always lose weight without any exercise
People lose weight when they are sick, and all they do is to lie in bed. They are not getting the physical activity they need, yet they are losing weight. Your weight loss is occurring, first, due to the restriction in your calorie intake. Secondly, your body is burning off fat and using that energy to fight against the sickness.
3 ways to lose weight without exercise:
1) Detoxification Program
This method could be potentially damaging to your body since our bodies already have inherent detoxifiers. The liver, the kidneys and the colon are designed to remove toxins and get rid of them by natural means through our waste. Several drastic detoxification methods like juicing, fasting, or the master cleanse detox can extenuate and deplete your body of proteins and essential vitamins, even if the detoxification procedure is carried out for a short period.
Nonetheless, several types of detoxification procedures, which consist of vegetable-based meals with green juices, are still considered to be healthy.
2) A Walking Off Weight Loss Program
Walking is a great and simple way to burn off fat for those trying to lose weight without exercise. Every one of us love walking, so integrating a walking plan with the proper diet lets you burn stored body fat, build muscle, and easily burn off up to 10 pounds of weight. Unfortunately, it takes a lot longer to see results than with a more strenuous workout program.
3) Finally, the Flat Belly Solution Program
This program focuses on the particular food types that cause you gain weight and the foods that lead you to lose weight. This way you could still lose weight without exercise, or without restricting your food intake. Certain foods will signal your body to utilize fat for energy (e.g. foods high in Resistant Starch (RS)). Such foods crank up your fat-burning process, and also decrease your overall hunger.
Even though, there's no going on a diet, or extreme detoxification, or demanding workouts required, you may require to change your eating habits, like most nutrition programs.
So if are really determined to be in good health and you want to have a better body. I highly recommend you a simple, yet very effective nutrition program that shows how to lose weight without exercise, dieting or without using a detox method

Exercises to lose weight – best exercises to lose weight

Exercises plays very important role in losing weight. Doing the right exercise to lose weight quickly can help you see faster results from your exercise workout regimen. A
regular exercise program of exercise is an important component of any plan to help individuals lose or maintain their weight. Before starting exercises in order to lose weight follow these steps:
Make an appropriate exercise regimen. Therefore, try to go for variety of exercises this will avoid you from getting bored. Try to choose only those exercises that you like.
Go for regular exercise 30 to 40 minutes per day and 4 to 5 days a week. Take a note, approximately how many calories you are burning. Many exercise machines give approximations and you can find lists of estimates online.

There are 2 ways for burning your calories:  Exercise: - In order to lose weight fast, try to go for aerobic exercises. Aerobic exercises use the body's large muscle groups in continuous, rhythmic, sustained movement and require oxygen for energy production. This increased oxygen in the body is used for metabolism.
    Therefore, if you want to increase your metabolism and want to burn more calories go for aerobic exercises. Jogging, brisk walking, swimming, biking, cross-country skiing and aerobic dancing are some popular forms of aerobic exercise.

Regular aerobic exercise helps you to good metabolism, improved cardio-respiratory endurance, increased ability of your heart, increased ability of your lungs, boost up your physical and mental health.
 In addition to the aerobic exercise, supplement your program with muscle strengthening and stretching exercises. The stronger your muscles, the longer you will be able to keep going during aerobic activity. Remember, proper exercise can help you to control your weight by burning excess body fat.
Increasing amount of physical activities: - Increased amount of physical activities in your daily life act as supplement to your exercise program.
Here are some tips to increase your daily activities:
Do your house work yourself, park farther away from office and shopping mall and walk the rest of the way, use stairs instead of an elevator, walk the dog, prefer bicycle than bike, look for opportunities to use your body. Bend, stretch, reach, move, lift and carry,
stand up while talking on the telephone, walk while waiting for the plane at the airport,

How to Lose Weight Without Exercise in No Time Flat

 So you want to know how to lose weight without exercise? I will tell you that it can definitely be done, but it's a bit more difficult without exercising. Luckily there are several other things you can change, as exercise only determines about 10-15% of your health.

To burn fat without exercising, we'll have to use that other 90% the right way!
How to Lose Weight Without Exercise
To burn fat without exercising, you'll have to change several other things about your lifestyle. Here are the major ones:
  • Diet
  • Stress levels
  • Sleep
  • Supplements
Because diet is the biggest and the one most people are the most mis-informed about, let's start there.

How to Lose Weight Without Exercise in 4 Steps

  As mentioned above, learning how to eat a healthy diet is the best thing you can do to help you learn how to lose weight without exercise. Although many people think they know what a good weight loss diet is, the sad this is they are usually misinformed.
For example, do you think eating fat is bad if you're trying to lose weight? Or what do you think about eating sugar- it's healthy, right? And whole grains like oatmeal and breads made with whole grain are healthy because they have so much fiber- at least thats what the doctors say.
The thing is, I'm going to go against what most "experts" say. Here's why- between a lot of the research out there and just the experience I've had through changing my diet, I can tell you that a lot of the advice out there is very wrong.
For example, dairy foods aren't nearly as healthy as you might think. Why would our bodies require us to drink another animal's milk? No other animal species does this, and even humans that do this are very limited to certain parts of the world. It just doesn't make sense, and our bodies reject dairy every day.
The thing is, the human body is more resilient than most animal species. We can eat things for a long time that don't belong in our bodies, such as dairy. We are all a bit lactose intolerant, but some people just have more tolerance than others. Overall, one thing I can tell you is to lose weight without exercise, stay away from dairy.
Another thing to stay away from is too much fruit. Very high in sugar, fruit actually can prevent you from losing weight quickly. Fructose, the main sugar in fruit, is turned into fat more easily than any other type of sugar out there! Does that sound like something you want in your body if you're trying to burn fat without exercising? I didn't think so!
Another big one to stay away from is starchy foods, including whole grains! These foods contain gluten, which our bodies flat out hate. It's been linked to a number of disorders and disease, everything from acne to cancer or Alzheimer's. Our bodies get almost no nutritional value out of these foods. All we really get is fiber and some energy from all of the sugar created from digesting these foods.
In general, the best diet to eat while learning how to lose weight without exercise is made up of veggies and proteins like lean meats, nuts and beans. High in nutritional value and not full of empty calories, our bodies crave these foods more than anything else. They're the best foods you can eat for a long, healthy life, including burning fat the right way.
Step 2: Reduce Stress
Another thing that often gets overlooked when trying to learn how to lose weight without exercise is stress. Many people know that it's bad for your body, but do you know how bad?
For one thing, stress has been linked to obesity, heart disease, cancer, and many other diseases. Because it changes your attitude and your brain's mental condition, it ultimately affects your body's chemistry making it more prone to disease.
Another factor is the search for comfort. Even though you want to burn fat, do you ever reach for those cookies, chips or ice cream after a tough day at work? Most of us do, but those comfort foods are just empty calories going straight to your waistline!
To really help you burn fat without exercise, you have to reduce stress levels. Here's a few ideas to help you get started:
  • Work less (if it won't affect your finances too much)
  • Go on more walks with your family
  • Play with the pet or kids
  • Have dinner with friends
  • Read a fiction book
  • Take a vacation
  • Get into the great outdoors
  • Take more naps
You'd be amazed at how much these little steps can reduce stress and ultimately help you lose weight without exercise. Besides that, you'll feel more complete overall!
Step 3: Sleep More
Sleep is a weird thing. Scientists and doctors still don't understand why we need it, they just know that we do!
If you've ever had to go without much sleep (most parents or college students can attest to this), then you know how hard it can be to function the next day. You can't think straight. You find yourself dozing throughout the day. Your eyes might feel tired. You feel weak and don't want to do anything fun.
Besides that, it can seriously hinder your chances to burn fat. If you don't get enough sleep, your metabolism will slow down and your body's chemistry is thrown our of balance. The only way to fix this is with sleep, usually at least 7-8 hours a night.
If you really want to learn how to lose weight without exercise, don't take this lightly!
Step 4: Diet Supplements
Although not necessary, I recommend using diet supplements while you're trying to lose weight quickly. There are 2 main reasons for this:
  1. It gives you a great metabolism boost that you could normally get from exercise, but not in this weight loss plan
  2. It can increase your energy levels, again something that exercise would help with if it was being performed
As you can see, the reason to use supplements is largely to try to make up for the lack of exercise. Granted it can't completely take the place of exercise, but if you're set on losing weight without exercising, you need all the help you can get.
The best diet supplements have been proven to work by thousands of people, and are definitly worth a shot. For most of the best brands, they even offer a trial offer so you can try a bottle for a few weeks for less than $5.
Now you know how to lose weight without exercise. Good luck!





Tuesday, 7 May 2013


There are innumerable diet strategies out there but fat reduction 4 fools is a fairly powerful one. Weight loss will be guaranteed by it if applied with these hints in your mind. Applying these easy suggestions will increase your weight loss 4 fools weight loss efforts. 
  Drink lots of water during the day, about eight to ten glasses each day. Attempt to beverage about 20 ounces of water once you awaken each morning. Normal water is the most generally suggested fat loss hint that most dietitians advise and results in about a hundred additional calories burnt each day. Consume good fats. A great fat supplies fatty acids essential for development and normal duplication, as well as for creation of for instance prostaglandin, a endocrine that stops blood clots, regulates blood stress and decreases the danger of cardiovascular disease.

 Consume four meals each day. Lunchtime must be the biggest meal of your day. Additional foods must be just timid of fulfillment. You don't have to wash away your dish if you believe you are happy. Yet another excellent suggestion for how to drop fat quickly is the fact that you should have your closing big dinner about three hrs before you go to mattress state around 9 to 9.30 pm. It is acceptable to treat next if you need to but if it can be avoided by you the greater.
Soft drinks comprise countless empty energy; an effort should be made by you to replace gentle drinks with water every day. Every twenty soft beverages you bypass translates to of a pound of misplaced fat. As entirely removing sodas in the diet can give you astonishing outcomes a issue of reality. If you should have a soda try diet beverages. Also diet drinks may stop your efforts to reduce fat quickly, consequently drink the same number of water following a diet drink to assist flush your program or better however drink diet beverages every additional day or when you have the may power prevent them till your "cheat times".


There are innumerable diet strategies out there but fat reduction 4 fools is a fairly powerful one. Weight loss will be guaranteed by it if applied with these hints in your mind. Applying these easy suggestions will increase your weight loss 4 fools weight loss efforts. 
  Drink lots of water during the day, about eight to ten glasses each day. Attempt to beverage about 20 ounces of water once you awaken each morning. Normal water is the most generally suggested fat loss hint that most dietitians advise and results in about a hundred additional calories burnt each day. Consume good fats. A great fat supplies fatty acids essential for development and normal duplication, as well as for creation of for instance prostaglandin, a endocrine that stops blood clots, regulates blood stress and decreases the danger of cardiovascular disease.

 Consume four meals each day. Lunchtime must be the biggest meal of your day. Additional foods must be just timid of fulfillment. You don't have to wash away your dish if you believe you are happy. Yet another excellent suggestion for how to drop fat quickly is the fact that you should have your closing big dinner about three hrs before you go to mattress state around 9 to 9.30 pm. It is acceptable to treat next if you need to but if it can be avoided by you the greater.
Soft drinks comprise countless empty energy; an effort should be made by you to replace gentle drinks with water every day. Every twenty soft beverages you bypass translates to of a pound of misplaced fat. As entirely removing sodas in the diet can give you astonishing outcomes a issue of reality. If you should have a soda try diet beverages. Also diet drinks may stop your efforts to reduce fat quickly, consequently drink the same number of water following a diet drink to assist flush your program or better however drink diet beverages every additional day or when you have the may power prevent them till your "cheat times".


There are innumerable diet strategies out there but fat reduction 4 fools is a fairly powerful one. Weight loss will be guaranteed by it if applied with these hints in your mind. Applying these easy suggestions will increase your weight loss 4 fools weight loss efforts. 

 Drink lots of water during the day, about eight to ten glasses each day. Attempt to beverage about 20 ounces of water once you awaken each morning. Normal water is the most generally suggested fat loss hint that most dietitians advise and results in about a hundred additional calories burnt each day. Consume good fats. A great fat supplies fatty acids essential for development and normal duplication, as well as for creation of for instance prostaglandin, a endocrine that stops blood clots, regulates blood stress and decreases the danger of cardiovascular disease.

 Consume four meals each day. Lunchtime must be the biggest meal of your day. Additional foods must be just timid of fulfillment. You don't have to wash away your dish if you believe you are happy. Yet another excellent suggestion for how to drop fat quickly is the fact that you should have your closing big dinner about three hrs before you go to mattress state around 9 to 9.30 pm. It is acceptable to treat next if you need to but if it can be avoided by you the greater.
Soft drinks comprise countless empty energy; an effort should be made by you to replace gentle drinks with water every day. Every twenty soft beverages you bypass translates to of a pound of misplaced fat. As entirely removing sodas in the diet can give you astonishing outcomes a issue of reality. If you should have a soda try diet beverages. Also diet drinks may stop your efforts to reduce fat quickly, consequently drink the same number of water following a diet drink to assist flush your program or better however drink diet beverages every additional day or when you have the may power prevent them till your "cheat times".



The secret to whittling your waistline with these recipes isn't just that they're low in calories. It's in the ingredients: research suggests that eating more whole grains or including vinegar of any type in your diet may help reduce total body fat and abdominal fat. The combination of protein, fiber and healthy fats in nuts may help ward off weight gain as well. Many of these recipes include two, if not three of these ingredients—whole grains, vinegar and nuts—that can help you to stay trim.

  Eat whatever you want—as long as you stick to your daily PointsPlus target, a number based on your gender, weight, height, and age. You can track points values of more than 40,000 foods on the company’s website, or even on your smart phone. To get the most mileage out of your points, avoid processed foods, which usually have the highest values. Fresh fruits and veggies, on the other hand, carry zero points, so you can eat them with abandon. Though they’re not required, the company’s packaged meals include everything from breakfast sandwiches to ice cream treats.


   As humans when we gain weight we make the process of losing weight very difficult when we go in for extreme diets that do our bodies more harm than good. When we resort to extreme diets we often become cranky as we deprive our bodies of food to an extreme level.  This is a lifestyle choice that is not a healthy one. In the process we also develop emotional eating habits that make us even more depressed. There is a healthy alternative and this can be done in a very smart way. You have to develop eating habits that leave you feeling full and satisfied instead of starved. This is the first step you should take in the bulge battle. 

      You should also remember that all body fat is not the same and you should see where you carry the fat. If you are carrying fat in the abdominal region you will find that the health risks are greater. This is opposed to the thighs and hips. There is a lot of belly fat that you tend to store in the skin that surrounds the organs in the abdominal region and the liver. This is harmful as this is associated with diabetes and insulin resistance.

      When you are combating abdominal fat it is very useful to you to beware of sugary foods. These foods contain fructose and they are found in soda, sports and energy drinks. You will also find fructose in muffins, candy, cereal, granola bars and more. These foods will add to harmful abdominal fat around the stomach area in case you do not take precaution. You should go in for fruits and vegetables. This will make you feel fulfilled and ensure you get the best nutrition your body needs as well. The vitamins and minerals in these foods help you to lose weight in a healthy and safe manner without creating or causing to the organs in the human body. 

      When you are going in for weight loss ensures that you think long term. This is not a change in lifestyle where you have to resort to quick fix diets. You should regard weight loss to be a lifestyle change permanently. With the aid of several popular safe diets you can kick start weight loss however you are the only one that can figure out the food choices that will work in favor of you in the long run. In case you generally fail in your efforts for weight loss it is important for you to go in for group support. This means you get the support and encouragement in case you do not have the determination to continue with your weight loss goals in the long run. The group generally will cheer you till the end and help you in a large way to shed excess weight without hassles at all.


It becomes very difficult to monitor what we eat and these results in more consumption of junk and unhealthy food. Very often the wrong choice of food often leads to the accumulation of calories and excess fat in the human body. This leads to weight gain and if not checked obesity. It is here that you should stop for minute and extra pounds from accumulating and harming the organic systems in your body. It is very important for you to develop a healthy relationship with the food you intake. This helps you to safeguard your health and also manage weight with success. 

    You should not eat more calories than you burn. You should intake lesser calories as this will help you to lose weight effectively. 3500 calories is equal to one pound of fat and this means if you reduce 500 calories from the diet you consume daily you are successful in losing one pound every week. This means if you multiply 500 calories x seven days you lose 3500 calories or one pound of fat. This makes losing weight a very simple and easy affair.      
     Physicians and nutritionists agree that eating a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods is key to losing weight.  One dieter claimed that she removed the consumption of cola from her diet and lost 28 pounds in a month.  Another, stating he stopped eating anything with an ingredient level, claimed he shed 85 pounds over the course of a year.  Regardless of the fact that each person’s results vary, the success of these people is truly a testament to the worth of whole foods.
 Whole and organic foods seem to be making waves in the diet world.   People who have switched to eating the whole or organic forms of their favorite foods are claiming that they feel better overall while enjoy the benefits of a successful diet.  The absence of chemicals that can hinder the digestive, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems is one of the biggest advantages to eating organic and whole foods.  Since these foods have not been processed, their nutritional integrity has not been compromised, leaving you with a balanced food that has abundant amounts of fiber, calcium, and complex carbohydrates that are essential to a balanced and healthy diet.
As we have seen, a balanced and healthy diet is the driving force behind weight loss.  In essence, it does not matter whether you are “dieting” or not, your diet is the foundation for the maintenance of your health and ideal weight.   If you add healthy and nutrient-fortified foods to a responsible exercise routine, you should be able to lose weight at a vigorous rate.
   Exercise plays a huge role in weight loss too.  One cannot just eat an abundance of healthy food, do no physical activity, and still expect to have their ideal body.   Doing enough activity to raise your heart rate for at least a half hour per day is an important partner in the quest to lose weight.   Of course, it is imperative that you not compare yourself or your progress to others, as each body operates differently.   Some people find that they have genetic or glandular issues that prevent them from losing weight as quickly as others; these people often have to employ doctors and specialists to help them maintain their weight loss goals.  Still others find it rather easy to shed extra pounds once they adhere to a healthier lifestyle.  Regardless of your situation, it takes a strong will and determination to see success come from a new lifestyle – learning how to lose weight and maintain weight loss can be considered a lifestyle indeed.  
        Weight loss takes commitment, and an understanding of what and how to eat for the betterment of your health and fitness.  There are lots of books on the market; it seems as though everyone has it all figured out even though a large percentage of American citizens suffer from obesity.  If you look at the average American lifestyle, food options, portion size, and ingredients used, you will find that the vast majority of food consumed by the average American citizen is made with chemicals, refiners, fillers, preservatives, and genetically modified materials during processing.  This begs the question of why people still choose to eat from this tainted trough.


   A sports or energy drink, fruit smoothie, or light beer — each serving contains about 100 calories. Yet these beverages don't satisfy you the way 100 calories of food does, so they're a waste. Other liquids may be high in sodium and carbohydrates, which trick your body into retaining water, puffing you out.
   Drink lots of water during the day, about eight to ten glasses each day. Attempting to beverage about 20 ounces of water once you awaken each morning. Normal water is the most generally suggested fat loss hint that most dietitians advise and results in about a hundred additional calories burnt each day. Drinking a lot of water increases the body metabolic activities resulting in a high increase in fat loss. Recently, a study by Virginia Tech was done where for a period of there months, half of a group of 48 people on  a low- calorie diet slowly increased their amount of daily water intake loss about 4.5 pounds of weight more than other half who did not.
   Drinking your calories, with sugary drinks, juices or alcohol is an easy way to sabotage your diet. Dehydration, though, is an underlying cause of food cravings, so do drink plenty of water! Water helps to keep you full and is a key way to detoxify your body. To calculate your needs, take your body weight and divide by two. This is the no of ounces of water you need to drink every day. If plain water sounds boring to you, flavor it with fruit or a veggie slices for a fun twist.

Walking Off Weight

Walking Off Weight
     If you really want to lose weight fast you have to exercise regularly, preferably twice a day. Do the more heavy sports in the morning and long walk in the evening.
      With regards to intensity, exercises which involve some degree of impact, such as walking, will normally boost the heart rate more quickly than non impact activities, such as cycling or swimming.
      Walking at a moderate pace for 30-60 minutes burns stored fat and can build muscle to speed up your metabolism.   
       A Duke University study found that while 30 minutes of daily walking is enough to prevent weight gain in most relatively sedentary people, exercise beyond 30 minutes results in weight and fat loss. Burning an additional 300 calories a day with three miles of brisk walking (45 minutes should do it) could help you lose 30 pounds in a year without even changing how much you’re eating.Walking an hour a day is also associated with cutting your risk of heart disease, breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes and stroke. Isn't it time to work 1-hour walks into your busy lifestyle?

   For five minutes at least every two hours. Stuck at a desk all day? A brisk five-minute walk every two hours will parlay into an extra 20-minute walk by the end of the day. And getting a break will make you less likely to reach for snacks.
     If you don’t like exercising, you can find someone to team up with as give will give you the necessary moral support to keep going. Exercising this way for a longer time period will result in you losing weight quick. The Centers for Disease Control says that’s all it takes to help you shed as much as 10 pounds a year (assuming you don’t start eating more).